8 great tips for corn maze success


Thinking about building a corn maze? Great idea! This can be a very successful and profitable attraction for your farm business, and Precision Mazes can help you do it right.

As you start to explore a business plan and the development of your corn maze, we recommend some important considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure your corn field is near a good population base, accessible and easy to find, with ample room for parking.
  2. Other corn mazes in the vicinity aren’t necessarily bad for business—they may in fact mean this type of venture works well in your area. Simply decide how you can differentiate your corn maze from others.
  3. Make sure you allocate ample time to develop and market your attraction. Remember that Precision Mazes can be a major time-saver over building your own corn maze.
  4. Determine which market you most want to reach. For example, a corn maze aimed at school tours would be different from a haunted nighttime corn maze for teens. Remember: You’re selling an experience, and how you choose to build and market your maze should reflect that specific experience.
  5. Consider contacting other local businesses that might be good partners to cross-promote your corn field maze.
  6. Think about adding complementary attractions, such as a pumpkin patch, barn activities, hay rides and other offerings.
  7. Make sure you’re properly zoned to handle an influx of people to your corn maze.
  8. Use corn plants that stay green late into the fall for maximum profitability.

We’d be happy to talk more with you about any of these aspects of your corn maze effort. Contact us today!



Brian De La TorreTIPS